Cheers and Blessings to all as we enter the fabulous month of December.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
It's December alright!
Cheers and Blessings to all as we enter the fabulous month of December.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving is around the bend and typically on the Tuesday before, my house would be full of the aromas of a home made sofrito and adobo. My hands would be either helping my sis and dad season the turkey and maybe preparing one of our many desserts for our Thanksgiving dinner.
This year however, I do not have to do a bunch of cooking, I will be joining my beau at his family's dinner. While it's a great feeling to know that I can rest and just take myself and my appetite to the dinner that I was invited to... I have been going back and forth, figuring out what I should take to the hosts. They said I need not bring anything.. but it's such a foreign feeling.. no cooking at all on thanksgiving, not even a pie or cookies?
So, I think that I may just take a box of chocolates, or chocolate covered pretzels and strawberries, with a homemade batch of chocolate chip cookies.. come on, who can say no to CHOCOLATE! Chocolate is an always welcomed treat in my book.
in the mean time I will give thanks.. to have a happy stomach and free hands!
Be blessed,
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Every Day is a Gift
I pray you are doing well. These last few days have been interesting and have taught me a bunch. I am like many who believe that each day comes with it's own set of lessons, and mine senses have been opened to take it all in and further appreciate all that this day, my today brings.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Love is on the Move
I pray you have been well, I have been doing quite famously. It has been a busy time here and I have not been able or rather disciplined enough to post a blog.. I know, I know, but alas here I am and was so uplifted today as I was reading through my devotional "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. For those of you who have yet to come across this devotional, it is written as daily notes from God to you, or me in this case. Today's message served as a reminder that God is with us. And how we should strive to remain conscious of His presence even in our busiest moments.
Life can be very very busy. In it we can lose sight of who we are and what we are about not to mention remember God. What's my name again? ah.. yeah.. but it is important to take time and in our time even the busy time talk with God and share with Him what makes us happy or delights us and even what makes us upset, whatever is on our mind. And to take time to spot the sacred.
Hmmm, spotting the sacred, just a few moments ago I was going through one of my books, a small little book filled with images and a keynote address given by Bono back in 2006 at the National Day of Prayer. That book, spoke to me, I heard through it God speaking to me, reminding me of His love for me, and all of creation. It reminded me about our call to help the least of these and to see in them His face, and through service to them and all understand to new depths the power of love in this age of grace.
I leave you today with a few quotes from his book, and a video from a group called Leeland, so that you too may be inspired to meditate on God's goodness through the busy-ness of your day and remember those who are in need this day.
be blessed,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Fall Breezes & Rustling Leaves
I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend. With your fair share of BBQ's and Water fun getting in the last bit of Summer! With the end of one season, commences another, so... so long Summer and hello Fall. Each season comes with its own beauty and awe. While I love the long summer nights, and the sound of giggles and joy that fills the air as children are playing in the sun, I love to see the trees turn from beautiful shades of green to amazing hues of red, orange, and yellow.
The commencement of Fall and the turning of the leaves always brings me to a state of renewal. It's as if it's New Year's Eve and I am thinking about the months gone pass and what's to come in the months ahead. It's a time to review and re-evaluate. Perhaps it stems from years of starting school in the Fall, I don't know, but with the crisp Fall breezes and the colorful trees that comes with it, I am excited to awaken to the next season wherein great things abound.
So as you listen to the rustling of the leaves as the Fall breeze passes by, think about the things in your life that may need to turn to allow new life to begin. A new day is indeed coming, are you ready for it?
Take a moment to listen once more and pay attention to the signs of the times. Fall is upon us, it is time to review and re-evaluate, it is a time of change and a time of harvest. It will take time, and definitely energy and can even be hard work... while, you may be missing those Summer Nights and lazy days of summer... the bounty of the harvest and the blessings that come are all worth it!
be blessed,
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A Walk in the Park on a Rainy day

Be blessed,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Pray for Prayer
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program....
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
like fish, after three days...
It can veer its ugly head...
You won't even notice it and may even invite it...
But when it's there, it's there!
and likes to stay where it has been invited!
But like fish, after a few days, it goes bad.
You don't like it
you don't want it
frankly it STINKS!
It's DMMD.
Double Minded Mess Disorder.
It can come by and visit, by way of a situation or even an opportunity.... maybe it started by simply venting your day's woes. And in doing so you begin to wobble, wondering and over-wondering about this or that. You wobble some more, and can get lost in your wonder and soon in your wonder you begin to wander. And that which you were so certain of, you begin to doubt. That which you loved, you begin to despise.
But we are called to be stable, firm, grounded, and not wishy-washy, gone with the wind kind of folks.
But when you allow, for whatever reason, DMMD to take root, and not combat those thoughts with the Word of Truth... Then you will see that it will indeed be like that fish....You will have put on some gloves, and a clothes pin on your nose to approach it, bag it, and throw it away. And once you've gotten rid of it, you will have to air out the room & clean the area where it was, disinfect it, and fill the air with some much need freshners and enjoy the start of a new day!
Be blessed,
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Why is it...
Monday, July 11, 2011
a few words...
Friday, June 24, 2011
Label me
By: Priscy Marie
Take a look at that little tab sticking out your shirt and you will see a label. This label will not only let you know the designer and size but often it will inform you on the materials used, where it was made and how to care for it. You may also find a sticker label on your shirt, perhaps displaying the size or a special feature.
Not unlike store bought clothing, we have different types of labels attached to us. Some give a name
brand clout and others weigh us down and distort our form. We acquire these labels a few different ways. Either someone puts said label on us or we put it on ourselves. You may be the “smart one” or the “cute one” or the “rebellious one”, and whatever the label you are dubbed it seems to suit
you for even the smallest period of time.

Over the past few days I have been contemplating the power of perception. When it concerns labeling or stereotyping or whatever you call it, how does it stick? And you know what I found? It all comes down to us. How we see ourselves. Labels stick so well to a shirt sitting on a shelf but put it in the washer or take out some scissors and watch the labels come off. We have control over which labels we live up to. We choose to live as the dumb jock or the smart aleck, feisty Latina. Ok, that one might be true. See, what other people brand us as is like the sticky tag on top of the clothes that we have the power to remove. What we think of ourselves is the inside tag that is sown in. We trust this tag, we live by this tag and although it doesn’t always seem like it we have chosen this. However, information about the materials and care and even the brand name may have been put on the in error. How many times have you followed the care instructions to the letter and your favorite shirt shrinks? The truth about the garment lies in the fabric and manufacturer. Whoever made and designed it knows what it’s really made of and what it was made for. God is our creator, designer and manufacturer. He alone knows what we are made of and for.
I hope my clothing analogy isn’t too cheesy.
The world puts lots of labels on us and we, for whatever the reasons, let them stick and become part of us, but the creator has trademarked our destiny. We are not anything that He didn’t want but rather we were and are created in His image. The Almighty God I know and love is righteous, pure, holy and full of security. His Brand name is our seal and we belong to Him. We were made with the finest materials and constructed with the best care possible.
So now, What does your label say?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Be Glad
Today, on my way home, I was waiting for the light, when I see that there is a huge mack truck making a tight turn in my direction, which became increasingly difficult due to the road work. There I was praying, as I see this HUGE truck coming at me, that the guy knew what he was doing as there was no place for me to go with a line of cars behind me. At that very instance I began to sing. Crazy right! But, in doing so, it put me at ease and I was able to keep going on my way, nerves in place. What was I singing? My Morning Song. You see, I developed a little habit a few years ago and would write down in my journal a lil bit of my Morning Songs, it came about as I would arise most mornings with a song in my head. These songs, have become my day's song, sort of like theme or background music for that day's episode of Minda Live!
For the last few days I have been awakening to the song "You've made me glad" by Israel Houghton. Even if I would go for a nap, like I did earlier today, arise I would with that lovely beat. No matter what had happened during the day, what struggles or thoughts tried to infiltrate, I would awaken singing "I will rejoice 'cause You've made me glad!" Just in singing these words, almost involuntarily, did indeed make me smile and put a lil pep in my step. I found myself humming the song throughout the day, even while doing some monotonous tasks. I noticed how much happier I had been these last few days as I've been singing of the joy of the Lord! This reminded me of the passages in scripture when it says "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!...Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." (Philippians 4:4, 8) It's amazing how powerful staying focused on the Lord is, it can take work but you can indeed think on such things. You can focus on His goodness and truth!
When we pray, seek the Lord and think on His goodness we are being elevated to greater heights and are reminded that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Not even a huge mack truck, which at this height, looks more like a Tonka toy. Perspective is amazing, see, we have been raised up and made to sit in heavenly places with Christ Jesus our Lord, far above all principalities, power and might and dominion and every name that is named. We are far above, FAR above all of these things, we have been given supernatural strength, vision, and a renewed mind. If we set our eyes on things above, and would just realize that He has given us a JOY that is eternal, a LOVE that is everlasting, and a POWER that is all-mighty, how differently we would walk and go about our days. We need to remember and celebrate with full joy and excitement that sweet, sweet salvation that we have in Christ Jesus. We have the very God of heaven with us, we have His Holy Spirit living within us! He lives inside of us, from that very day when we said YES! Yes, Jesus I believe in You and I want You to be the Lord of my Life! That gives us much to be excited about!
So whether it is strife or monotony or a big ol' truck that is trying to get in your way of joy and happiness, I encourage you to do as the Word says, to think on those things which are praiseworthy & noble, focus and set your eyes on things above, to rejoice in the Lord and be GLAD!
be blessed,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Remember His Faithfulness
I hope you are having a great day! I was pondering earlier on our, ok my gratefulness to the Lord. Growing up I recall hearing the Biblical accounts of the Israelites and how they would see the great and mighty hand of the Lord and then fall back and turn their backs once things got tough, and how we were almost trained to think of how foolish they were, for not recognizing that God would see them through. In thinking about that.. I was wondering how different are we? We get a great word from the Lord and are hyped, but when things do not happen the way or in the time that we want it, we oft begin to pout and do things our own way... to find out that if we would have just waited a bit longer.
I will like to challenge you to think upon all the blessings that you have, and the very many things that the Lord has done for you. Begin to list them.. from this new day, to the air I have to breathe to the ability to breathe to clothes I wear to those loved ones around me. The list is indeed endless. In times of strife and struggle we forget to focus on those things, or sometimes what I have found is that through the tear filled eyes, I have much difficulty in looking to those things ahead, for greater things are yet to come and the glory that is to come far surpasses the troubles we currently are enduring.
Know that God is Faithful, He cannot fail. While we may not understand His timing, no that he does not tarry, and His clock is not set to slow or fast, but is set just right. We may not understand what's the best or most right response but He does, and His faithfulness is grand! I speak to myself and to all of you out there, who are holding on to hope and keeping the faith! Remember His Faithfulness and that He does not change! He is once and for all times faithful.
Be blessed
PS.. point to ponder on: Problems are just an opportunity for God's solutions.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Hello World
By: PriscyMarie
It has been a long road to recovery from DMMD (Doubled Minded Mess Disorder) and every day, every moment is a choice. It is so easy to miss the plan of God when we have our thoughts divided. It is just as easy to be in His perfect will, unfortunately DMMD is unrelenting and affects every aspect of our being. DMMD effectively persuades us that we don’t have a choice but we do.
Last week I celebrated my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend. It has been a truly wonderful year. And as I rejoiced and reveled in our happiness, I thought about how it could have been different. We could have not been celebrating anything to this likeness at all.
See, a couple years ago I was actually engaged to another guy and I was so star-seeing in love, till he broke my heart. It seemed that overnight he had completely, undoubtingly, changed his mind about marrying me. It had caught me off guard and I was faced with a few choices. I could wallow and be miserable in the, apparently, endless suffocating pain or I could pick myself up, forgive him and move on believing that joy would come in the morning. But which morning? DMMD had me in a severe death match struggle for a few of weeks. I desperately wanted to believe what I knew to be true, this too shall pass, but it was not at all as easy as eating a bowl of ice cream and definitely not as pleasurable, but just as acheivable.
I decided early on that I would take my mom’s advice and “enjoy the moment… whether good or bad”. I would have been the first to say it, my mom was crazy, but I am so very glad I listened. A moment would never happen again and I could rejoice in knowing that. Also, good things are always happening and no matter what is going on I want to relish the good stuff.
The Holy Spirit guided me to use my mom’s not so crazy advice and because of that DMMD could not get the better of me. I was able to repel the constant flood of negative thoughts about myself and actually make room for God to shape a better me. Out of a bad situation where I felt like less than crap for a minute there, He showed a meadow of beautiful, fragrant, colorful flowers. And that wonderful garden would not have been possible if the soil in my heart was not willing to be broken, handled and ready to have stinky crap mixed in. The soil settles and produces sweet beauty from a smelly mess. It reminds of the book of Matthew, when the Lord speaks to us saying not to worry what you eat or drink and how the lilies of the valley are more magnificent than Solomon in all his splendor. The non- toiling flowers were MORE mind-blowingly beautiful than anything the richest man ever had to offer but before those lilies graced the field they were broken seeds in stinky ground.
I wonder if when God looks at me He sees such a splendor as fashioned by the lilies of the valley year after year.
If I had allowed DMMD to devour me in my circumstances I would not have been ready for most of the gifts that were awaiting me and are still waiting for me. I either wouldn’t have this amazing boyfriend or any relationship would have been much harder and I don’t think I would be following my dreams, God’s dreams for me.
This whole time when we’re crying and hurt and just a mess God has been manufacturing an even better, one of a kind, us. If we would believe what we know then we could live what we think. Now, that is pretty awesome, don’t you think? So every time things begin to stink put on some nose plugs and smile because something remarkably beautiful is in the works!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
It's About Time!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
from footprint to loveprint
God bless! I hope you all had an amazing Memorial Day. We had a very relaxed and enjoyable one.
Spending time with the familia, window shopping and grilling some ribs. While we were shopping I picked up a few books, ok a bunch of books, they had a sidewalk sale, as many books as you could fit in a bag, for 10 bucks! I was able to fit 22, that's less than 50 cents a book! Love it when I find deals like that!
Books ranged from novels to inspirational to business related to poetry to Bible study guides. One of the books that I found was a small booklet about making your days matter. Giving back to society, sharing with others. Doing small deeds that can add up to really make a difference. The books gives you ideas of things you can do once a week from Writing a letter to a Military Hero, to Learning CPR, to Donating clothing and blood. Some of things may not seem as if they are important, or if they really contribute, but it's about small steps and changing one's mindset, and realizing that their life does count and a little can go a long way!
Most people want to contribute, make a difference, and have a positive impact. We want to respond positively when we think about our legacy and the type of footprint we are leaving behind. Do we want to leave one that says we took, all the time or one that also shows how we gave, lived & loved. You can be ordinary you and do extraordinary good things for those in this world. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves... will you join me in making our footprint into a loveprint, one wherein little by little we change the world! I think that you will find that while you will be making an impact on the lives of those you serve, they will make an unforgettable impression on your own.
Over the course of the year I will blog ever so often of my experience of making my days matter, and share the love! As I write this a few songs and quotes come to mind. One is from
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Everyone has the power of greatness. Not for fame, but greatness. Because greatness is determined by service."
be blessed & a blessing,
let me know about your experience in going from leaving a footprint to a loveprint!
Friday, May 27, 2011
that our Lord is has a love for us that is renewed daily.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
You know Love, Makes the World Go Round
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Doting Doubt
wishes. I know that my confidence is in the Lord yet I somehow lose my confidence in myself to be this awesome person but instead am steadfast in thinking I’m horrible and a huge disappointment. I have realized and accepted that I have a disease to combat. James, being led by the Holy Spirit spoke on this, DMMD.
just a piece of me but all of me! He knew the antagonistical schemes I would have to endure and that I would fail many of them. He knew of each and every offensive thought I would have and every horrific lashing my heart would take. He knew and knows it all. He saved it all. Now, if only I could remember that His power has raised me from fleshly death that I was already experiencing and that I don’t have to die again. I belong to Him, the King, the all in all GOD, now my GOD. So, why is there ever even a droplet of uncertainty? People say it’s normal but I’m done with trying to be normal. I’m ready to embrace my weirdness and stand out because at the very least I’ll be standing! No longer will I treat my skepticism, double minded mess as a “normal” reaction that I accept. From now on, I will believe the unbelievable and hope for the impossible knowing, not wishing, but knowing that God is able and willing to do the incredible.
core of satan, the father of lies.