Tuesday, July 19, 2011

like fish, after three days...

It can strike at any moment.
It can veer its ugly head...
You won't even notice it and may even invite it...
But when it's there, it's there!
and likes to stay where it has been invited!
But like fish, after a few days, it goes bad.
You don't like it
you don't want it
frankly it STINKS!

It's DMMD.
Double Minded Mess Disorder.

It can come by and visit, by way of a situation or even an opportunity.... maybe it started by simply venting your day's woes. And in doing so you begin to wobble, wondering and over-wondering about this or that. You wobble some more, and can get lost in your wonder and soon in your wonder you begin to wander.  And that which you were so certain of, you begin to doubt.  That which you loved, you begin to despise.
But we are called to be stable, firm, grounded, and not wishy-washy, gone with the wind kind of folks.

But when you allow, for whatever reason, DMMD to take root, and not combat those thoughts with the Word of Truth... Then you will see that it will indeed be like that fish....You will have put on some gloves, and a clothes pin on your nose to approach it, bag it, and throw it away.  And once you've gotten rid of it, you will have to air out the room & clean the area where it was, disinfect it, and fill the air with some much need freshners and enjoy the start of a new day!

Be blessed,

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