Hi Friends,

Ever have one of those days where you just feel deep down inside like you have to get away from it all?
Not that anything is wrong and you are fleeing from an issue or that you have ants in your pants, or una patita caliente as my mom would say... You just have to get away, separate yourself from it all, because even if you are at home alone, you feel the need to go somewhere and spend time in solitude... Just you and God.

I felt that way today, I went to run some errands and felt an urgency to get them done and as I hit the road my eyes began looking for a park. I thought, but it's kinda rainy, my hair is gonna get puffy and I'm a bit clumsy what if I trip and fall or what if there is a puddle? But the desire to be alone with God and Walk with Him overwhelmed any and all questions. So on I went driving.
I found a nice quiet park, open green and a lil path that I had overlooked until I saw an older woman pop out from behind the shrubbery with her dog. I took my purse and keys and trekked on over and while my walk through that park did not take too long, my heart was content. I was walking with my Lord, sharing with Him my thoughts and desires and giving Him my heart.

Beyond speaking to me through thoughts, I heard Him in the calm breeze and gentle song of the crickets. He shared His love with me, and allowed me experience His sweet aroma through the fragrance of the berries and flowers that grew throughout the paths. It was not at all overwhelming, but one that delighted my senses and had me walking on what felt like clouds, elevated to a place where He, the God Almighty enveloped me with His love.
Be blessed,
I pray that the Lord keeps you always, continue to be a blessing to others. I am very proud of the both of you.
Your Mom Priscila