Hi friends,
Earlier this week, I was thinking about INTERRUPTIONS! How we can be going by our merry way and BAM! You are interrupted but a call or information that can practically shake your world. So what are interruptions, recently I heard a minister friend describe them as abrupt changes that occur. They may not be negative, just abrupt.
It's like when I watch episodes of "I didn't know I was pregnant" I love that show! While I have never been preggers, I have been around my fair share of pregnant friends and family and well.. even the least 'showing' one, showed and they all knew that they were pregnant, and were expecting big changes in their lives. However on this show, we see that these ladies unknowingly experience a tremendous and abrupt change overnight. Yet it is amazing to see how as soon as this major change or "interruption" occurs, they step into Mommy mode and then in a brief time, cannot imagine their lives without their precious little one.
It's amazing how an interruption can change someone's life so dramatically.
I want to encourage you that whether you know change is coming or one comes unexpectedly...embrace it and enjoy the moment... you will never live another moment, or day exactly like that one. Remember that change can bring about great things, and teach us about ourselves and allow us to adjust our stride and sometimes help us make changes that will be for the better.
Keep Smiling! & Be Blessed,
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