I took a big bite of the bar and as I suspected, it WAS overly-frozen and didn't taste as delectable as I had imagined or remembered. I took a step back and held onto the bar and looked at it and thought, "How could it be?? You look so good, remind me once more of your deliciousness" So I took another bite, still not the flavor I was going for, maybe the third bite has it.. nope not there either. My fellow sugar addicts, it was just like that, that I succumbed to sugar, and lost the battle, with what was a somewhat stale or frostbitten strawberry shortcake bar. I convinced myself that in eating that little bit that was left, I was not being wasteful, do not believe the hype! It was not good, and at the end did not satisfy and so off I went and ate a handful of Oreos, Dutch Sugar cookies with a nice glass of MILK... Do not let this happen to you my friends, learn from one who is slowly but surely overcoming the horrid grip that Sugar has.
So my fellow recovering sugar addicts, while these past few weeks have been a challenge and as this commentary on just 1 day after my fast shows you anything is that, yes if I have a reason or a purpose to say NO, I will, I can and I have. However, it I have seen that for some reason, if I am not intentional, I will and I have succumbed to the savory goodness of all things sweet. Be it the shortcake bar that Sunday or the triple servings of cake tastings at the fellowship dinner this past Sunday, or even the fact that I had a Raspberry Creamy Cheese cake goodness type of dessert for lunch on Monday, when I was trying to see if I could reserve my dessert eating to just the weekends and holidays... UGH..
Tell me how your journey to Freedom is going... remember that maybe you as I have had a set back, or two or three.. we are called to be free!
And though I lost this one, or two battles the war is not over, and I know that in the end VICTORY shall indeed be MINE!
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