I know that they say that most Americans are, but I have confirmed it and if I was a doctor or a nutritionist, I would certify it... and in my medical folder it would read: Minda is an Addict!
The Good Book says to not tell one hand of the other hand's doing, but I feel that this has been a growing time for me, as a fast should be. I have been fasting now for 3 weeks eating fruits and veggies and whole grains, I have gotten fairly used to the diet, and one's creativity really begins to flow after the first week, for the sake of not being bored with simply mashed potatoes every night. Or is that the point.. since you don't think of your meals.. you can concentrate on God, yeah.. He is still working on me! Progress is being made HALLELUYAH!!
This time has been one of great reflection and I have seen the Lord move in great and mighty ways, and even in clarity and boldness in Him. It has been awesome! However, considering the fact that I have not really had any processed sugars for the last three weeks, I have found myself these last few days eyeing every form of processed sugar you can imagine....ahhh JELLY! ohhh POP TARTS!!! Give me those BROWNIES! And right now I will be honest, I desire some Cake A la MODE!
I shall refrain from such things, until I am finished with my commitment unto the Lord, but it made me realize how addicted I am. I mean, my naturalist told me I was, but I will be honest, I thought, she must tell that to everyone. I humored her however and purchased these Sugar Control pills, that suppress your desire for sweets, those suckers really do work, I did not even think of sweets!
However I have not taken any of the pills during my fast, because isn't fasting about you using your own will power to have your spirit discipline your body? So it is that as I am not taking them.. I realize I AM ADDICTED! and so I come to this place of a new epiphany... wherein recognizing that I have a serious addiction is the first step to being liberated, I ask you to join me as I ask for DELIVERANCE!! Yes, I will always know that sweets are delectable, and that chocolate is good whether it melts in your mouth or in your hand, and if you have a Kit Kat or a Twix, while they are designed for sharing, not doing so is always appealing. But I also recognize that too much of a sugary thing can cause health problems and we are to be good stewards over these earthly vessels we have been given... and while I long to see my Saviour, I also know that there is a great deal of work that He would have me do here on earth.

For we can have a taste, and not need more. That soda, malta, kool-aid, sunny d, tang, or fanta be an occasional drink and not the norm. I know that we can have our fruit in forms other than pie, cookies or shakes!!! I know we can do this! So, will any fellow Sugar Addicts Unite, as we defeat a common foe.. that seems oh so friendly, but in so many ways tries and has controlled our lives!
Join me as Sugar Addicts Unite
to be weaned from Sugar.
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