Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Love is on the Move

Hello everyone!
I pray you have been well, I have been doing quite famously. It has been a busy time here and I have not been able or rather disciplined enough to post a blog.. I know, I know, but alas here I am and was so uplifted today as I was reading through my devotional "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. For those of you who have yet to come across this devotional, it is written as daily notes from God to you, or me in this case.   Today's message served as a reminder that God is with us.  And how we should strive to remain conscious of His presence even in our busiest moments.
Life can be very very busy. In it we can lose sight of who we are and what we are about not to mention remember God. What's my name again? ah.. yeah.. but it is important to take time and in our time even the busy time talk with God and share with Him what makes us happy or delights us and even what makes us upset, whatever is on our mind. And to take time to spot the sacred.
Hmmm, spotting the sacred, just a few moments ago I was going through one of my books, a small little book filled with images and a keynote address given by Bono back in 2006 at the National Day of Prayer. That book, spoke to me, I heard through it God speaking to me, reminding me of His love for me, and all of creation.  It reminded me about our call to help the least of these and to see in them His face, and through service to them and all understand to new depths the power of love in this age of grace.
I leave you today with a few quotes from his book, and a video from a group called Leeland, so that you too may be inspired to meditate on God's goodness through the busy-ness of your day and remember those who are in need this day.
"Jubilee - why Jubilee? what was this year of Jubilee, this year of our Lord's favor? 
I'd always read the scriptures, even the obscure stuff. There is was in Leviticus (25:35)... 
"If your brother becomes poor," the scriptures say, 
"and cannot maintain himself...you shall not led him your money at interest, 
not give him your food for profit."  It is such an important idea, 
Jubilee, that Jesus begins his ministry with this.... 
His first words are from Isaiah: "The Spirit if the Lord is upon me," 
He says, "because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor." 
and Jesus proclaims the year of the Lord's favor, the year of Jubilee. (Luke 4:18) 
What He was really talking about was an era of Grace - and we're still in it."

Love is on the move, Mercy is on the move, God is on the move.


be blessed,