Thursday, April 28, 2011

Passover Me

By PriscyMarie
From Palm Sunday to Resurrection day, last week was a time of focused reflection on the sacrificial gift that is for every and anyone.  So, I’m thinking, how does God feel? Does He celebrate or feel sad or upset? I mean, he gave this great gift and so many refuse to receive it and those who do often only apply the salvation for eternity piece, not the healing and redemption for today. 
My question is; does God feel the same hurt when His gift is rejected in part as when it’s rejected completely?  Knowing what is to come, how does He suffer the heart break?  Can I comfort God? 
I don’t know the answer to my questions yet, but I don’t want to take the risk.  I don’t want to hurt Him anymore; though I am sure He can handle it.  I want to please Him.  I want it to be, sky opening, dove descending, voice from the heavenly kind of obedience.  He has endured more than enough from each of us.  Even the one who has done and thought the least wrong has completely offended and sinned and caused Him pain, He has to judge and sentence.
Have you ever thought how difficult that is?  He alone is God, He alone is perfect, and He alone is love.  His love brings forgiveness, and that brings us back to the cross, the terribly wonderful gift of the cross.

The life, death and glorification of Jesus the Christ; He died in the flesh so that I might also die to the flesh but LIVE in the spirit.  Just a few moments of thought on this provoke me to evaluate my heart and ask how am I treasuring Him?  It provokes me to ask you to do the same. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

The many shades of Red...yep that's me.

Hello everyone, Minda here! Pray you are well. 
As you know Priscy and I have been busily working on building our business the Pink Daisy Cafe ~ Studio Live. We have been blessed in going around the tri-state area ministering through, music, drama and the Word. We are also working diligently on some writings and some pretty cool products. Please keep us in your prayers! 
It has all been quite exciting!

For instance, this past weekend I had the opportunity to attend and serve as interpreter for In God's Image Ministry's annual Marriage Conference. I had expected to either sit by one or two who needed English translation or to go to a section in the back of the church and interpret just to that small group, however that was not the case. I was asked to interpret from the very altar of the church, which is not uncommon however, definitely unexpected.  So I approached the altar and was handed a microphone, began to interpret for the Husband and Wife team that were speaking to the couples.  It was going quite well, but soon enough I felt my face get warm and my mind and mouth not quite able to communicate or for that matter translate appropriately... I was red-faced, and the speaker paused, asked if I would be able to continue, I chuckled and said, I wondered that myself.  Everyone laughed. 

There I was a single woman, interpreting for these speakers who were tag teaming as they spoke, (that is tough enough) to these couples. That's when it hit me that they would be at some point talking quite frankly about sex and sexuality in a marriage (among other relevant topics).  In my naivete I had not really thought that it would come up, yes foolishness I know... however there I was all red-faced before a church full of couples awaiting to learn and grow, to improve their marriages.  So, I had to muster all of the composure that I could and continue on with the morning session.  By the end of the Session I was very calm and collected and during the lunch break I was asked if I would be alright to continue, as the next session was precisely about sexuality within the marriage. So I took the time during the lunch to just relax and pray that the Lord help me remember that these speakers are doctors and therapist and that this is what they do, I am simply relaying the message, in another language. While praying, God, please help my face not turn too many shades of red. 
While the afternoon session was definitely a bit, spicy it was done so with much respect and realness that I appreciated and I could tell that the couples present were able to enjoy, if their laughter was to be any indication.  So despite my red-face, I learnt quite a bit and feel all the more prepared to embark onward in my marriage, whenever that day shall come. Now before you get on me about that... let's just say that is a topic for another conversation and another day. 
Til later, Be blessed & a blessing!