Friday, September 7, 2012

Keep it Moving!

Hello dear friends!
As many of you know I spent a large part of my summer in Southern California and I was blessed with sunshine and warm days, which encouraged me to move about and stay fit. Now, I am back in South Jersey and we are in the lovely beginning of FALL! The air is crisp and the days are cool, it's an invitation to get out and go for a brisk walk and keep that body moving. 

While Priscila and I work on our business and all of the wonderful little details and ideas that come with that, I have been encouraged to continue to work on me. I have been working out a few days a week with my brother Joe, who cracks me up each time that we do, as he knocks on my door early in the morning to work out and then while I am pushing, no encouraging, him to push harder, he points out the sweat that is forming and grunts almost annoyed. How dare I make him sweat! I laugh and push him a lil harder.  Some of you who know Joe or are averse to exercise may wonder where is my compassion?  I have compassion, for I too arise the next morning sore and feeling parts of my body that before were dormant, but it is a good sore, 'cause I know that I am getting stronger and firmer.

Building the discipline to workout a few days a week and changing it up from time to time as my body acclimates to the intensity has served as a reminder of what hard work and dedication yield... a strong, healthy body, mind and spirit.  It is after a good work out that I feel completely sweated out, and I can overcome that temptation for that Bizcocho de queso con Frosting de queso de crema... all that butter and cream cheese goodness is hard to resist! But as I build discipline and self control in this area of my life (I suffer from a major sweet tooth!), it is helping me be more dedicated to the prosperity and health of my business and life goals.

Maybe you had a bit of hiccup as it relates to one of your life goals, it happens and is ok, I understand, believe me! But enough dwelling on and staying in the past, use that experience to push you to do even better this time.. even if it's hard and may cause you to sweat and grunt a bit!

be blessed & keep it moving!