By PriscyMarie
From Palm Sunday to Resurrection day, last week was a time of focused reflection on the sacrificial gift that is for every and anyone. So, I’m thinking, how does God feel? Does He celebrate or feel sad or upset? I mean, he gave this great gift and so many refuse to receive it and those who do often only apply the salvation for eternity piece, not the healing and redemption for today.
My question is; does God feel the same hurt when His gift is rejected in part as when it’s rejected completely? Knowing what is to come, how does He suffer the heart break? Can I comfort God?
I don’t know the answer to my questions yet, but I don’t want to take the risk. I don’t want to hurt Him anymore; though I am sure He can handle it. I want to please Him. I want it to be, sky opening, dove descending, voice from the heavenly kind of obedience. He has endured more than enough from each of us. Even the one who has done and thought the least wrong has completely offended and sinned and caused Him pain, He has to judge and sentence.Have you ever thought how difficult that is? He alone is God, He alone is perfect, and He alone is love. His love brings forgiveness, and that brings us back to the cross, the terribly wonderful gift of the cross.
The life, death and glorification of Jesus the Christ; He died in the flesh so that I might also die to the flesh but LIVE in the spirit. Just a few moments of thought on this provoke me to evaluate my heart and ask how am I treasuring Him? It provokes me to ask you to do the same.